Introducing Camden Gateway's first annual Electric Scooter Grand Prix.
Seeing as the electric scooter craze sweeping the world has definitely got it's teeth into Camden Gateway, we decided it would be fun to, well, have a bit of fun with them, and get some adrenaline into the system. Then then the idea grew... There are more and more local government initiatives and more bike tracks in London these days, making non-motorised travel safer and not such a daunting prospect, and alternative travel methods realistically viable. To help raise awareness of and encourage alternative and ecological forms of transport, we're organising our first Grand Prix ( big name, little race) to take place in a park near here.The dates and details have yet to be finalised, these may depend a bit on how many sign up but, at the moment we're thinking in terms of heats around the park, when people can get away from the desk for half an hour. There will be a prize for the winner. And we'll make a short music video for our social media and to share with other eco transport campaigns.Try before you buy. If, like me, you haven't been on a scooter since your toddler days it's a great way to give it a try, get some fresh air and get out of the office for an hour.In line with Camden Gateway becoming something of a campaigner for e-scooters and eco commuting in general, Eric is considering offering one to anyone who signs up to the professional membership for 12 months. So, if you think you'd like one, or just fancy a distraction for a bit and some adrenaline, give us a call at Camden Gateway, Camden.